Orders are shipped from our designated warehouse by the best available method either, UPS or USPS, we do not offer Fedex services. Freight charges are based on dimensional weights and destination according to the current daily rates. Next Day, Second Day, or Three Day Select services are available upon request. Orders being shipped by air must be billed to a valid credit card, or paid in advance per our payment methods. When feasible, we may send larger orders by a trucking company to commercial destinations only.
Damaged or Missing Freight
We package our merchandise carefully and cannot be held responsible for damages in transit, this includes all glassware. Should a package be delivered in a damaged condition, or if you receive less than the number of packages stated on the delivery bill or bill of lading, YOU must inform the driver to make note of such damage/shortage on the delivery bill or you may lose your right to make a claim with the delivery company. Any claims for defective merchandise or shortages in packing must be made to Redbone within ten days of receipt of merchandise.